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Backyard Gardening

Let's bring your dream food garden into fruition! (pun intended)

Questions About Getting Started?

Call, Email, or Click the Link Below



Does my site provide the right conditions for a garden? Where is the best location  for it? Will it receive enough sun? How can I work with what already exists in the landscape? What is permaculture design? How do I protect my crops from critters? Where can I find supplies? How do I build a garden bed? When do I plant it? What grows well in this climate? How far apart should I space plants? What plants grow well together? How often should I fertilize? When do I harvest? How do I handle pests and diseases? How can I attract beneficial insects? When can I plant successions? Help! - I need troubleshooting advice!


We're here to walk (or talk) you through the process, whether it's a quick virtual call or an on-site assessment. 


On-Site - Sliding Scale $35 - $50/hr.

Virtual Call - Sliding Scale 50-75 cents/min.




Design Work

This requires a pre-requisite assessment, either on-site or virtually to gauge your preferences, parameters, and the overall conditions of your space and soil.


Following our discussion, you will receive either a hand drawn or digital map of your proposed garden layout, complete with dimensions and the planting layout/spacing for each of your desired crops.


Whether or not you continue using Eat Your Yard services for the installation, you will have the blueprint to move forward with a do-it-yourself project.



Sliding Scale $35 - $50/hr.



We create for you your very own produce garden, filled with the fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs of your choice, and uniquely tailored to your landscape, vision, and budget. You must have a working design before we begin this process, so please see the Design Work section above. We do all the hard work for you - laying the groundwork, bringing in - tools, equipment, soil, seeds, and seedlings - installing beds, and making sure plantings get off to a great start! Enjoy the fruits of our labor - the bounty and joy of homegrown food, plucked right from your own backyard.



Installation typically occurs between the months of February and June and is usually spread out over multiple visits due to the nature of the growing season. Some plants prefer cold, wet conditions, and some will perish before the last frost is long in the rearview mirror. Inclement weather also plays a factor during this time, so we ask for your flexibility and patience as we get your garden up and running!


Labor (Sliding Scale $35 - $50/labor hr.) + Materials Cost


How much does a Garden Installation cost?

This depends on size, preferences, and features. Each garden is uniquely tailored to your experience, resulting in various pricing. A reasonable expectation of cost for an average-sized, family garden, installed from scratch, is anywhere between $1,000 and $2,500. Assisting us in the installation is very much encouraged and can offset the overall cost. While it is somewhat challenging to give exact estimates before the project is underway, we would love to start this conversation with you. Please reach out.


Please inquire about our Customized Do-It-Yourself Maintenance and Home Composting Kits.



Using only natural growing methods, we take care of your plants for you, from start to finish. We always recommend that each Garden Installation is followed up with a subscription to at least one month of maintenance (usually starting in June). This is so that the plants can be looked after while they are still vulnerable to weeds, drying out, and particular pests. Or, you are welcome to continue with a subscription throughout the duration of the season, so that your garden can receive maximum care. We know that as time goes by, watering, pest and disease control, and knowing how and when to harvest can become burdensome chores during the peak summer months. That's why we are equipped and ready to assist you in alleviating some of these activities off of your shoulders.


Make sure you sign up to stay on one of our regular routes! We offer weekly, once every other week, or monthly visits, for whatever your budget allows for. Even quick check-ins can ensure that your garden is staying on track to thrive. Whatever tasks are the most pressing at the time of the visit, we will tackle those first. From plantings, removing spent plants, deadheading, mulching, thinning, weeding, pruning, trellising, fertilizing, deterring pests and diseases, and harvesting for you (to be left on your doorstep), we've got you covered.


Maintenance Visits - Sliding Scale $35 - $50/labor hr.

+ Any Supplemental Materials


Start or stop services anytime between June - November.


Other Yardwork 

Small scale projects ranging from hedge trimming, lawn mowing, pruning, deadheading, planting trees/shrubs, ornamental landscape design, mulching, spring cleanups, etc. 


Sliding Scale $35 - $50/labor hr.


Group Education

Looking for a program for your homeschool group, youth summer camp, event, or special occasion? We love getting creative with educational lessons and fun, outdoor activities for all age groups, including adults! Topics range from ecology, environmental health, organic gardening and farming, permaculture, biology, and wildlife, as well as team-building exercises. With lots of experience teaching and facilitating nature-based programs, we can cater directly to your group's needs. Shall we meet in the garden? In the woods? Or perhaps in the wetlands of Presque Isle? Please reach out to get a conversation started.


Sliding Scale $20 - $35/hr. + Prep Time and Materials Budget


Homegrown Produce 

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